5 Questions with Amy Bullman

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Logan Sinclair are proud to be working with Mindful Chef on our 5 Questions series.

During the coronavirus pandemic, Logan Sinclair wanted to offer some assistance to healthy eating and wellbeing to help everyone through this difficult time. By working with our friends at Mindful Chef, who offer fresh, delicious, nutritionist-designed recipes delivered safely to your doorstep, Logan Sinclair can offer the code LSS10 which will give £10 off your first 2 boxes. Please use the link www.mindfulchef.com/LSS10 to apply the discount automatically.

Amy Bullman is a podcaster who co-hosts the Mum & Mummer podcast which is part of Scroobius Pips Distraction Pieces network.

For what in your life do you feel most grateful?

My positive attitude. I always try and see the good in everything, or at least the good that could come out of it. I think it’s a survival technique as I used to suffer with panic attacks and anxiety in childhood. I’d say I’m a very laid-back, cheerful person, on a precipice of absolute panic. So staying positive is keeping the anxiety at bay. Also, I believe we live in the world we choose to live in. You can be pessimistic, always anticipating the worst, or if you’re able you can choose to see the positive or what you can do to make a positive change or difference. This is a massive generalisation of course as obviously everyone has their own demons and tragedies, but I am extremely grateful that I can always try to stay positive about what life throws at me or accept defeat and eat a bucket of Ben & Jerrys.

Do you feel like you've lived this same day many times before?

I think I’m on about 10,715 now... I’m a single parent so during term time it’s school run, gym, work, school run, clubs, cooking, cleaning, cuddling and then repeat, with the exception of no school run on the weekends. Lockdown has been a bit of a blessing as I’ve had no school runs or clubs at all! As my whole life is pretty much the same day I’m used to the mundanity and lockdown hasn’t bothered me. I’m looking forward to getting back outside more but on the whole it’s been quite nice to get a rest of sorts and spend time with my girls where I’m not always in a rush or knackered. I’m grateful we have a garden and all like each other. I don’t think I would have survived if we didn’t!

What were you doing when you felt most passionate and alive?

In my 20’s and early 30’s I was an aspiring singer/songwriter and also worked in music. I was fortunate enough to get studio time with EMI and writing sessions with some amazing people. I loved writing and the studio environment and it was so nice working towards my dream with so many lovely people. I also worked for a friend who started the first dubstep night called FWD>> and I did the door at the club for the first 8 years. It was amazing seeing the change from having 50 odd track-suited boys turn up for it once a month, to it blowing up and us going weekly and having queues up the road. I still can’t believe how it went from such an underground scene for a close knit community of a few hundred to one of our DJ’s being flown to LA to produce Britney Spears’s album! My time there is some of my fondest memories from my young adulthood, and I feel extremely grateful to have been there to see the start of something new.


Are you living a meaningful life?

I think the meaning of life is to enjoy it as much as you can. I love my life. I love my babies and I love being a mum more than I ever thought possible. I love our little home and making plans for our next move. I have a wonderful family and community of friends around me that have helped me tremendously since becoming a single parent. I appreciate the little things and am thankful I have a house to clean and food to cook and people I love. If I can nick a few weeks sunbathing each year as well I’m golden.

What are some challenges you think the next generation will face?

Climate change - I guess that’s the obvious first choice but we’re feeling the effects already so I dread to think what world we’re leaving behind for our babies. 

Loneliness - I think we need to ensure technology doesn’t take the place of social interaction as VR scares the shit out of me! Also, the effects of COVID-19 on workspaces, commuting and socialising for those who live alone. 

The amount of venues closing down is going to be detrimental to new bands and music. I think considering the amount of talent our little country puts out across the world our government should be funding ALL arts a lot more and placing more importance on them. I think the world in general needs a shake up.

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