5 Questions with Emily Capell

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Logan Sinclair are proud to be working with Mindful Chef on our 5 Questions series.

During the coronavirus pandemic, Logan Sinclair wanted to offer some assistance to healthy eating and wellbeing to help everyone through this difficult time. By working with our friends at Mindful Chef, who offer fresh, delicious, nutritionist-designed recipes delivered safely to your doorstep, Logan Sinclair can offer the code LSS10 which will give £10 off your first 2 boxes. Please use the link www.mindfulchef.com/LSS10 to apply the discount automatically.

Emily Capell is a London based singer songwriter.


Over the stay at home period, what ideas or reflection have emerged that have surprised you?

The sense of community has totally taken me by surprise. I spent some time helping older and more vulnerable people order food deliveries at the beginning of lockdown. It was lovely to talk to people, even if it wasn’t the happiest of phone calls, just to talk felt important! One day I spoke to an older lady on the phone for half an hour about how amazing Frank Sinatra was in High Society after she put her food order through which was wicked! The clapping for the NHS was brilliant too, what a great idea! I cried every week doing it. How lucky are we to have the NHS still?

What is the most powerful effect you can have on another person?

It’s a shame to say but the most powerful effect you can have on someone is probably making them feel like they’re not worthy. If someone makes me feel like that I do not shake it off quickly. I have thought about Caroline Flack a lot since she passed. We have to be loving and kind to each other. You don’t know what’s going on in other people's lives. One way or another this has been a tough time for everyone so now more than ever we need to make sure to be kind and supportive.

Do you have a mantra, ritual or daily practice?

I try and go for a walk every day. Preferably just me and the dog and I like it best when we walk through the woods, as I have no phone signal in the woods. I can completely escape from everything. I have tried running but it’s not really my fave. I set myself too many targets when I go running. I am someone who will make everything into a competition without meaning to and walking is one of the only things I don’t seem to get competitive with. Rain or shine, just to walk through the woods listening to podcasts is bliss for me. It’s important to take the dog too so then you don’t look like a serial killer weirdo wandering round the woods on your own!

How do you keep your mental health in check?

I am rubbish at keeping my mental health in check. I have a nasty habit of taking on too much and then completely crashing. I try to book weeks off and tell myself it’s okay to take a break. But I’ll admit I’m not very good at actually doing that!

I do take breaks from social media and I set alarms on my phone if I’ve spent too long online, I have to do that otherwise I will go barmy! I talk to my friends a lot and I have spoken to a therapist in the past, which really has helped. I can be quite an anxious person so I always plan ahead so I don’t have to stress.

What are you grateful for in light of the global crisis?

Russell Brand and Ricky Gervais podcasts. Stephen Fry reading the audio books of Harry Potter. My family and how healthy and lucky we all are to have each other. The NHS.