5 Questions with Lisa Francesca Nand


Logan Sinclair are proud to be working with Mindful Chef on our 5 Questions series.

During the coronavirus pandemic, Logan Sinclair wanted to offer some assistance to healthy eating and wellbeing to help everyone through this difficult time. By working with our friends at Mindful Chef, who offer fresh, delicious, nutritionist-designed recipes delivered safely to your doorstep, Logan Sinclair can offer the code LSS10 which will give £10 off your first 2 boxes. Please use the link www.mindfulchef.com/LSS10 to apply the discount automatically.

Lisa Francesca Nand is a travel journalist and host of the chart-topping Big Travel Podcast.

Over the stay at home period, what ideas or reflection have emerged that have surprised you?

Someone said that ‘lockdown is the total opposite of you’ and I agree with this wholeheartedly. I am a very social creature and I found being locked down very hard. I also don’t like cooking and at times it felt like, with two young children, I was running a café. Badly! My attachment to everyday freedoms didn’t really surprise me but lockdown certainly made me very reflective about these.

What is the most powerful effect you can have on another person?

The most powerful effect you can have on someone is to love them; to see the best in them and want the best for them. This works best when they love you too of course.

Do you have a mantra, ritual or daily practice?

My maternal grandmother lived to a very wise 99 years and she always used to say ‘believe in yourself’. I remember her words when life is a challenge or I am feeling apprehensive about making big decisions or starting something new.

How do you keep your mental health in check?

Getting fresh air, getting out in nature, travelling, long walks and spending time with friends, family and people I care about.


What are you grateful for in light of the global crisis?

I’m so grateful for our freedom especially now we are regaining it (albeit we don’t know what the future holds). The freedom to be out, to walk, to run, to visit beautiful places, to sit and eat and talk with our friends, family and loved ones.

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