5 Questions with Simone Marie of Primal Scream

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Logan Sinclair are proud to be working with Mindful Chef on our 5 Questions series.

During the coronavirus pandemic, Logan Sinclair wanted to offer some assistance to healthy eating and wellbeing to help everyone through this difficult time. By working with our friends at Mindful Chef, who offer fresh, delicious, nutritionist-designed recipes delivered safely to your doorstep, Logan Sinclair can offer the code LSS10 which will give £10 off your first 2 boxes. Please use the link www.mindfulchef.com/LSS10 to apply the discount automatically.

Simone Marie is the bass player in Primal Scream and the presenter of the Closer With podcast.

Over the stay at home period, what ideas or reflection have emerged that have surprised you? 

I think it’s brought home just how differently we all deal with stress and instability. The notion that we assume certain things will always be there and that these can sometimes be taken away in an instant and that goes for people too. I always tried to not take things or people for granted but this has been a kind of enforced reality and it came on very quick. It’s made the sense of time passing extremely acute and suddenly I feel like I’m wasting time I could only dream of clutching back someday. It’s also made me realise how insignificant we are against this invisible killer. How on a global scale, every country has dealt with this differently has also come into question for us. To bring it closer to home, how much we want to help each other practically, emotionally and mentally in times of need. It’s been a time when it’s ok to say ‘actually you know what I’m not doing so great and kinda feel like everything is falling apart’ and talking about that feeling with someone because they probably feel the same. It’s a very shared experience we are going through and it’s really difficult. One other thing is that even though I like my own company and peace and quiet I need to see people and have human contact. 

What is the most powerful effect you can have on another person?

Honestly I think it’s to love them and make them feel loved. To make them feel seen and appreciated as when you truly love someone else it makes you feel good too. It becomes an energy that is life changing and it’s beautiful. I think we grow from negative experiences (eventually) too though and people who treat others awfully have an incredibly powerful effect on them. It can supersede any positive influence at times but I’m a big believer in love being the ultimate strength and that starts with loving yourself. Love lasts a lifetime and you never forget it. With time, negative experiences can be filed in our minds in a healthy manner so we don’t keep re-visiting them. Love is what nourishes us and what connects us and what we hold dear all the time in our hearts. 


Do you have a mantra, ritual or daily practice?

I meditate as often as I can. I started doing transcendental meditation (TM) last year and it really centred me and helped to calm my entire nervous system. It made me realise just how much I had going on in my head at one time. It helped to re order my thoughts and take certain panic away in some situations or reactions. It also helped with energy levels because I wasn’t giving so much energy to stress or worry. I think sometimes when you tell people you do it they think you’re flying around on a mat and seeing mythical creatures or talking to unicorns. TM is a bit of a game changer in my opinion and it was the right time for me to start it. I think we have to make time for the things which are good for us, it has a knock on effect on our relationships, work, health and everything else. I also like to do some deep breathing and yoga as much as possible. Right now there is so much to be stressed and overwhelmed about and with good reason. I naturally lean to the side of anxiety and over thinking, so I know there are things I need to employ to calm that side of me. 

How do you keep your mental health in check?

Exercise is a really great help. Physical endorphins are there for the taking and natural. I think mental and physical energy are completely intertwined so when one is lacking it’s good to try and boost one with the other. I also talk to close friends if things are getting too much. I’m a fan of talking and verbalising what it is you’re actually thinking and feeling. Whether that’s in therapy or crying with a friend. I also write a lot and get into a stream of consciousness. The empty page will never judge you y’know? It’s interesting to go back and read things after. It’s a total photograph of where you were at. I think we are photographing ourselves a lot of the time without realizing. Music. Music can be a place of solace and comfort. It can sit with us quietly or rage at full volume. It’s always there. It’s a total saviour for me. 


What are you grateful for in light of the global crisis?

Many things. I’m grateful for the ones I love and their health and my health also. I’m grateful to the incredible frontline staff of the NHS. I’m grateful for meaningful interactions. I’m grateful for some totally amazing people in my life. I’m also grateful to have a roof over my head. For those reasons alone I am incredibly grateful.

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