5 Questions with Hatti Suvari

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Logan Sinclair are proud to be working with Mindful Chef on our 5 Questions series.

During the coronavirus pandemic, Logan Sinclair wanted to offer some assistance to healthy eating and wellbeing to help everyone through this difficult time. By working with our friends at Mindful Chef, who offer fresh, delicious, nutritionist-designed recipes delivered safely to your doorstep, Logan Sinclair can offer the code LSS10 which will give £10 off your first 2 boxes. Please use the link www.mindfulchef.com/LSS10 to apply the discount automatically.

Hatti Suvari is the owner of Red Bar Law, which was shortlisted and Highly Commended for the Financial Times Legal Industry Pioneer Award 2014 and she was also Shortlisted for Non-Lawyer of the Year Award 2013 at the Modern Law Awards. Hatti is also the owner and presenter of www.getlegallyspeaking.com

Over the stay at home period, what ideas or reflection have emerged that have surprised you? 

I have instinctively extended my training sessions (which take place at home and Monday to Friday at around 5.30am). This was something that was playing on my mind, however, I quickly started to think that not being able to go outdoors, could have a direct impact on my health and wellbeing. I have also felt more resilient to the little temptations that I have. For example, I have started a 12-hour fasting routine, in the evening from 7pm to 7am every day (not during the day that’s for sure!) I am quite surprised that I have been able to stick to the fasting routine, as our ‘goody cupboard’ in our kitchen can be very tempting! I think this period of solidarity has made me a more positive person, I have been taking more positive actions around my home office, and around my home than ever before. I have also felt much calmer than I have in a very long time. I am also surprisingly enjoying the peacefulness of the noise from the outdoors, when in normal times I would hear cars buzzing and the general hustle and bustle of life.

What is the most powerful effect you can have on another person?

I personally think that the most powerful effect you can have on another person is to try to bring the best out of them. Whether they are a family member, a friend or a colleague in work or business, bringing the best out of people I believe enhances your relationship with them in many positive ways. In my personal experience, it also harnesses great long-lasting relationships and makes you feel good about yourself too.

Do you have a mantra, ritual or daily practice?

I try to surround myself with positivity. For example, opposite my home training machines, I have a frame that says “If you can dream it you can do it”. I think about my brand and project Get Legally Speaking every morning when I see this frame as I believe that it can be great, and this frame inspires that belief in me! I also have a poster that says the phrase, “Kaizen, the lifestyle of continuous improvement”. I have a photo of Winston Churchill opposite my working space in my home office, with one of his great quotes that says “A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty”. This is another great positive reminder for me to keep on going when times can seem tough and challenging. I have a quote book by Winston Churchill on my desk, that I flick open now and then and read, he is a real inspiration for me. I also have a desk calendar (which I buy yearly!) that gives me great positive mantra’s every day. Today's for example is one of my favourites, and it says “seek first to understand, then to be understood”.


How do you keep your mental health in check?

When I am training in the early hours of the morning, it is really quite a special time of the day for me, in which I try and reflect on any challenges that I currently may have, or areas of my life which I can look to improve on. Be it how I try and keep the children in check, or how to deal with a difficult work situation, or sometimes thinking of my podcasts for Get Legally Speaking and how I can introduce further legal topics that may be able to assist people. I also like to go and speak with a therapist around once a month, just to let it all out without judgement from the listener. I have found that my therapist has really assisted in helping me reflect on my own thoughts and behaviours in a positive way.

What are you grateful for in light of the global crisis?

I am grateful for the good health that me and my family have, for the essentials that we have, by way of food and a warm home. My husband who has MS has never felt better, probably due to never having had the opportunity to kick back and relax from his business as much as during these unprecedented times. I am very grateful for the positive thoughts that I have had, and that I continue to try and have, in trying to appreciate self-isolation, rather than becoming frustrated by it. I am grateful for the positive actions that I have taken during this time.

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